Bone Marrow Disease Mr. Ashley asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what discussions he has had about the scheme for a national tissue bank to facilitate transplants for victims of bone marrow disease; and if he will make a statement;(2) how much money he has allocated to the scheme to help victims of bone marrow disease. Mr. Moyle After detailed discussions last winter between my Department and experts in bone marrow transplantation and related subjects it was decided that, given the present state of knowledge of tissue types, it would be premature to establish a national panel of bone marrow donors. A number of NHS units are already tissue-typing potential donors, and, so that they may do so using agreed procedures, a working party has been established to advise on the basic minimum of data recording and on mechanisms for quality control of histocompatibility testing for panels of possible volunteer donors. There has been no special allocation of finance. Mr. Ashley asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many adults and how many children suffer from bone marrow disease in Great Britain. Mr. Moyle Information is not available in the form requested, but I will write to my hon. Friend.