Prices Mr. Austin Mitchell asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for the years 1975, 1979 and 1985 the information given in tables 11.5 and 11.6 of the 1986 edition of the "United Kingdom National Accounts" in terms of 1980 prices. Mr. MacGregor [pursuant to his reply, 30 March 1987, c. 396]: Figures of capital consumption and net domestic fixed capital formation, both at constant 1980 prices, are as follows. Sectoral analyses at constant prices are not available for years up to 1978.--------------------- | | --------------------- |Personal sector | --------------------- |Companies | --------------------- |Public corporations| --------------------- |Central government | --------------------- |Local authorities | --------------------- |Total | --------------------- |Personal sector | --------------------- |Companies | --------------------- |Public corporations| --------------------- |Central government | --------------------- |Local authorities | --------------------- |Total | --------------------- |Personal sector | --------------------- |Companies | --------------------- |Public corporations| --------------------- |Central government | --------------------- |Local authorities | --------------------- |Total | --------------------- |Personal sector | --------------------- |Companies | --------------------- --------------------- | | --------------------- |Public corporations| --------------------- |Central government | --------------------- |Local authorities | --------------------- |Total | --------------------- |Personal sector | --------------------- |Companies | --------------------- |Public corporations| --------------------- |Central government | --------------------- |Local authorities | --------------------- |Total | --------------------- |Personal sector | --------------------- |Companies | --------------------- |Public corporations| --------------------- |Central government | --------------------- |Local authorities | --------------------- |Total | --------------------- Mr. Austin Mitchell asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for the years 1975, 1979 and 1985 the information for all fixed assets in table 10.3 of the 1986 edition of the "United Kingdom National Accounts" in terms of 1980 prices. Mr. MacGregor [pursuant to his reply, 30 March 1987, c. 396]: Figures of gross domestic fixed capital formation at constant 1980 prices are as follows. For years up to 1978 only a broad sector analysis of gross domestic fixed capital is available at constant prices. For recent years, from 1979 onwards, slightly more detailed sectoral analyses are available.--------------------------- | | --------------------------- |Personal sector Companies| --------------------------- | || --------------------------- |Public corporations | --------------------------- |Central government | --------------------------- |Local authorities || --------------------------- |Total | ---------------------------