Prison Service (Cadets) Mr. B. Harrison asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will give further details of the proposed scheme for cadet officers in the prison service. Mr. R. A. Butler This proposal is the subject of discussion between the Prison Commissioners and the Prison Officers' Association, and the details of any scheme which might be introduced have not been settled. The general object of the scheme would be to recruit locally a limited number of cadets aged 17 or more, who would assist prison officers in various types of work not involving the sole control of prisoners. The cadets' personal and physical suitability would be tested by interviews with the governor and medical officer, and a general educational standard would be required. Arrangements for the cadets' general and vocational education would be made locally and through the Officers' Training School at Wakefield. A cadet would be eligible for appointment as an established prison officer on reaching the minimum age for entry to the prison service, provided that he were able to satisfy the normal requirements for established officers.