Empire-Grown Sugar 63. Mr. CHARLES WILLIAMS asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what steps he is taking to increase the percentage of Empire-grown sugar consumed in this country? Mr. P. SNOWDEN So far as the question of policy in regard to the Sugar Duties may be concerned, I must refer the hon. Member to previous replies on the subject. I would, however, remind him that a substantial preferential re-hate from the Sugar Duty is granted to Empire sugar, and, as I stated in Debate on 9th July last, the Government proposed to maintain existing preferences so long as the duties upon which those preferences are given remain in force. Mr. WILLIAMS Can the right hon. Gentleman assure the House that he will do nothing to discourage the growth of sugar within the Empire? Mr. SNOWDEN My policy never discourages industry. It is always devised for the purpose of encouraging it. Mr. WILLIAMS May we conclude that the right hon. Gentleman will not reduce the preference? Mr. SNOWDEN It must not be assumed that I regard protective duties as being an encouragement to industry.