Relay Services 17. Mr. Grey asked the Postmaster-General what developments are taking place in television wire broadcasting; and whether he will allow licences for this kind of service to operate in the areas that felt the full effect of his recent announcement in respect of the erection of the five low-power stations. The Postmaster-General (Mr. Ness Edwards) Several applications for these licences have been received, and I am proposing to meet representatives of the industry to discuss how far the development of relay services will fit in with the demands of the re-armament programme. Mr. Grey While appreciating the steps being taken by my right hon. Friend, may I ask if he will give an assurance that when he meets the promoters of television wire broadcasting he will give serious consideration to their point of view? Mr. Ness Edwards Yes, Sir, but I am sure my hon. Friend will appreciate that the re-armament programme must come first.