Swindon 29. Mr. Thomas Reid asked the Minister of Labour what arrangements exist for finding employment for railway and other employees at Swindon declared redundant; and how far in advance of the date of discharge steps are taken. Mr. Isaacs The Employment Exchange Service is specially designed to meet the needs of redundant workers. Nothing is known of any appreciable redundancies in Swindon. My local officer, however, is in close touch with all employers who are invited to arrange to register the workers in advance of discharge giving as long notice as possible. There should be no difficulty in absorbing redundant workers in Swindon. Mr. Reid Is my right hon. Friend aware that his reply will relieve a great many anxieties, and might I ask him how many workers in Swindon have been discharged recently? Mr. Isaacs If my right hon. Friend is referring to the British Railways there, they gave notice to the employment officer a week or so ago of their intention to dismiss 20 men and gave dates of the dismissals. Since then they have absorbed all those men in another department and no one has, in fact, been dismissed.