Dublin Strike (Murder Of Thomas Harten) 72. Sir J. D. REES asked whether the murderers of the free labourer, Thomas Harten, during the syndicalist strike in Dublin on 17th January, have been brought to justice; and, if not, what has been the result of the police investigations? Mr. RUSSELL Three persons were charged in connection with this murder. One of the prisoners was tried on 6th and 7th April last, and was found "Not guilty." A nolle prosequi was then entered in these cases of the other two prisoners. Sir J. D. REES Has this matter been dropped, and is this poor man's murder to be overlooked and passed over? Mr. RUSSELL The jury returned a verdict of "Not guilty." Sir J. D. REES Are the police or the Government urging further investigation into this serious charge? Mr. RUSSELL No doubt the police have done everything they possibly could to bring these men to justice. Sir J. D. REES Do I understand that the Government have dropped the matter, and are no longer pressing it?