Television Licences 28. Mr. John Lewis asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware that television manufacturers in this country have sold altogether 135,000 sets, and since June, 1946, when the television service was restarted, 122,316 sets, and in view of the fact that the television licences issued by the Post Office up to the end of February, 1949, were only 111,850, if he will investigate this discrepancy, with a view to taking proceedings against persons owning television receivers who are operating without a licence. Mr. Wilfred Paling The number of television licences current at the end of February, 1949, was 120,100. When account is taken of the number of sets in transit and in shops, I do not think that the number of unlicensed viewers is large. A reasonable time is allowed for the purchaser of a set to take out a licence, but the movement of the respective figures is carefully examined, and recently some prosecutions have taken place. Mr. Lewis Is the Minister aware that the quality of television reception is not often affected by aerials being erected in the roofs or attics of houses, and, in those circumstances, can he say if it is possible for the Post Office to detect whether a television receiver exists in those cases where the aerials are in the attic or roof? Mr. Paling We have ways and means of detecting this business.