Dr Walter Rohland (Interrogation) 4. Mr. Driberg asked the Secretary of State for War if Dr. Walter Rohland, a key figure in the Nazi steel industry, is still detained in one or other of the Allied zones of occupation in Germany; and if he has been interrogated regarding his contacts with British or American industrialists before or since the end of the war in Europe. Mr. Lawson Yes, Sir; he has been thoroughly interrogated but the results of the interrogation have not yet been received in this country. Dr. Rohland has now been transferred to the American zone. Mr. Driberg Would my right hon. Friend say whether he has been provided with a copy of a letter written by Dr. Rohland before the end of the war in Europe, naming certain British officers and stating that there had been useful contacts between certain British, American, and German industrialists before that date? Mr. Lawson No, Sir.