Clacton-On-Sea Air-Raid Damage (Compensation) Mr. Holmes asked the Minister of Pensions what action he has been able to take to deal with claims by sufferers eligible for compensation in respect of injuries received from the recent tragic incident at Clacton-on-Sea? Sir W. Womersley An officer of the Ministry was despatched to Clacton early on the morning after this incident, when he took immediate steps to visit hospitals and otherwise to get in touch with the injured persons. Necessary treatment was found to have been provided with great promptness. My representative made immediate arrangements for the opening of a local sub-office, and with the help of the Assistance Board's local officer took steps to make known, by means of posters at Post Offices and other places, the arrangements for the grant of injury allowances and pensions. It is too early yet to give particulars of the claims that may arise, but an officer of the Ministry will be available to ensure that any necessary advice is provided.