Election Of Parish Councillors Mr. CLOUGH asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that there is a public demand for the alternative of electing parish councillors at the meetings called for that purpose, if the majority of the meeting so desires, by ballot, in addition to the present expedient of voting by show of hands, so as to remove the temptation to vote for more candidates than the required number of councillors to be elected, to evade intimidation, and the necessity for demanding a poll; whether he can accede to this demand without having to resort to fresh legislation; and, if not, whether he proposes to introduce legislation upon these lines during the present Session? Mr. BURNS I have received some representations on this subject. Legislation would not, I think, be necessary to give effect to what is suggested, and I have caused the matter to be noted for consideration when an opportunity occurs for issuing a new Election Order.