National Health Service 22. Sir Percy Hurd asked the Minister of Health whether steps will be taken as far as practicable to enable medical men, women and nurses serving with the Fighting Forces abroad to express their views in the discussions now proceeding on the future of medical and health services, especially seeing that these discussions go beyond anything contemplated before the war, and that the success of any new type of services will be impossible without their co-operation? Mr. E. Brown I contemplate publishing as soon as practicable a statement of the general nature of the Government's proposals, which will enable everybody, including men and women in the Forces, to see for themselves what is suggested and to discuss and, if necessary, criticise them before the stage of legislation is reached. Sir P. Hurd May I ask my right hon. Friend whether it would be practicable for him to get this detailed information into the hands of doctors and nurses overseas who will be affected? Mr. Brown I think that in this matter there should not be undue difficulty. As my hon. Friend will know, the several professions have verb clear and regulated channels of communication. Sir P. Hurd Will my right hon. Friend remember that these proposals do go outside anything which was before the profession before the war? Mr. Brown That is understood.