Indonesia Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade how many licences have been issued for the export of Hawk aircraft to Indonesia since 1978; and in each case what was the date of the licence and the number of aircraft covered by it. [7222] Mrs. Roche A licence was formally issued on 2 January 1996 in respect of the approval given for Hawk aircraft and equipment and announced by the then Minister of Trade on 19 December 1995, Official Report, column 1081. This licence was for eight 100 series Hawks and 16 200 series Hawks. Six other licences, on the same date, covered equipment including weapon systems, and spares.A licence was issued on 22 November 1996 for 16 200 series Hawks. Again, six other licences on the same date, covered equipment, including weapons systems, and spares. To provide details of Hawk aircraft or any related spares licensed for earlier years would entail disproportionate cost. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade if she will list the number and categories of export licences granted to Manroy Engineering Ltd. for the export of (a) general purpose machine guns and (b) other automatic weapons to Indonesia since 1988. [3436] Mrs. Roche Since 1991, when records became readily available, no export licences for such weapons for export to Indonesia have been issued to the company. Information for the earlier period could be provided only at disproportionate cost. The company has, however, told officials that it has not applied for licences for such weapons to Indonesia. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade if she will list the (a) number and (b) categories of export licences granted to Broadcast and Surveillance Systems Ltd. for the export of surveillance systems to Indonesia since 1988. [3698] Mrs Roche Readily available records—from 1991—show that two export licences have been granted to Broadcast and Surveillance Systems Ltd., for the export of surveillance systems to Indonesia: one in September 1995 and the other in May 1996.Both licence were for the temporary export of goods categorised under the heading ML15 of the relevant Export of Goods (Control) Order. All the exported goods have now been returned to the UK.It is possible that goods covered by the question may have been supplied as part of a larger order, but not specifically recorded as such in the licensing database. A search of paper records to identify any of these would entail disproportionate cost, as would provision of information for the earlier period. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Broad of Trade if she will list the number of current export licence applications for command control, communication and information systems to Indonesia. [3526] Mrs. Roche There are no current export licence applications for command control, communication and information systems to Indonesia.The licences issued to Procurement Services International Ltd. for Glover Webb Tactica vehicles, which was announced in the House on 9 December 1996, Official Report, column 30, contained 12 Hornet command and communications vehicles, eight Tactica command and communications vehicles and two sets of communications base station equipment. This was announced in the House on 23 January 1997, Official Report, columns 708–709. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade how many licences have been granted since 1988 for the export of MP5 sub-machine guns to Indonesia; how many shipments there were; and what assurances the United Kingdom Government were given by the Indonesian authorities that the weapons would not be used for internal repression. [2772] Mrs. Roche Readily available records—since 1991—show no licences granted for export of these weapons to Indonesia have been issued. It is possible that goods covered by the question may have been supplied as part of a larger order, but not specifically recorded as such in the licensing database. A search of paper records to identify any of these would entail disproportionate cost, as would provision of information for the earlier period. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade if she will provide details of the export licences granted to the Nitor group of companies for the export of firearms training systems to Indonesia since 1988. [2803] Mrs. Roche Firearms training systems, unless they are specialised equipment for military training or for simulating military scenarios, do not require an export licence.Readily available records—since 1991—show that no licences have been issued to the Nitor group of companies for the export of firearms training systems to Indonesia.To search paper export licence records for earlier years would entail disproportionate costs. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade if she will provide details of the exports by Henckler and Koch of MP5 sub-machine guns to Indonesia. [2771] Mrs. Roche Details of deliveries of equipment exported are not held by my Department.Heckler and Koch MP5 sub-machine guns are manufactured in the UK by Royal Ordnance, a subsidiary of British Aerospace.Since 1991, when records became readily available, no licence is shown as having been issued to Royal Ordnance for export of these weapons to Indonesia. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade if she will provide details of all licences granted for the export of (a) sub-machine guns, (b) machine guns, (c) assault rifles, (d) automatic rifles and (e) sniper rifles to Indonesia, in each of the last three years. [2773] Mrs. Roche In the three years to 15 July 1997, readily available records show that only one licence has been issued for the export of such weapons rated under heading ML1 of the Export of Goods (Control) Order to Indonesia. The export licence was issued in 1995 and was for 10 sniper rifles for the Indonesian armed forces. It is possible that goods covered by the question may have been supplied as part of a larger order, but not specifically recorded as such in the licensing database. A search of paper records to identify any of these would entail disproportionate cost. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade how many licences have been granted for the export of close quarter battle facilities and firearms training systems to Indonesia since 1988; and if she will provide details of the Indonesian security and military training for which the equipment was intended. [2804] Mrs. Roche Readily available records—since 1991—show that three export licences have been issued for the export of close quarter battle facilities and fireanns training systems to Indonesia; in one case, the goods were destined for the Indonesian for the Indonesian army headquarters for army training. The other two were temporary licences, the goods destined for the Indonesian Department of Defence and Security for demonstration to the Indonesian armed forces. These two temporary licences were subsequently returned to the DTI unused.It should be noted, in general, that firearms training systems, unless they are specialised equipment for military training or for simulating military scenarios, do not require an export licence.A search of records for earlier years would entail disproportionate cost. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade if she will list the number of export licences granted in each year since 1990 for export to Indonesia of (a) machine guns, (b) automatic cannon and (c) 7.62 mm ammunition. [18467] Mrs. Roche From readily available records—dating from 1991—the numbers of licences issued specifically for these goods for export to Indonesia are as follows: -------------------- | | -------------------- |Machine guns | -------------------- |Automatic cannon | -------------------- |7.62 mm ammunition| -------------------- In addition, one further licence was issued in 1995 for 30 in ammunition which is interchangeable with 7.62 mm ammunition.It is possible that goods covered by the question may also have been supplied as part of a larger order, but not specifically recorded as such on the licensing database. A search of paper records to identify any of these, and for any such items licensed in 1990, would entail disproportionate cost. Dr. Tonge To ask the President of the Board of Trade if she will revoke the licences for Hawk jets to Indonesia granted in November 1996. [9146] Mrs. Roche Any decision to revoke an export licence issued before I May by my Department would be announced to the House. Ann Clwyd To ask the President of the Board of Trade how many licence applications are awaiting approval for the export of sub-machine guns and other automatic weapons to Indonesia. [2774] Mrs. Roche At 10 July, four individual export licence applications had been received which included such weapons for Indonesia. These will be considered in light of the Government's commitment not to license for export arms to regimes that might use them for internal repression or international aggression.