Companies Act, 1929 21. Mr. A. M. SAMUEL asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the necessity for amending the Companies Act, 1929, for the purpose of checking unsatisfactory features which disfigure company practice to-day, his Department will now draft an amending Bill for the protection of the public? Mr. W. GRAHAM If the hon. Member will forward to me any suggestions which he may have, they shall be noted for investigation when the desirability of amending legislation is being considered. Mr. SAMUEL Will the right hon. Gentleman extend that invitation, and accept suggestions from the various accountants' societies, the chambers of commerce, and the Committee of the London Stock Exchange? Mr. GRAHAM Yes, certainly. As a matter of fact, I think various suggestions have been made, but, as my hon. Friend knows, the Act was only passed last year. Mr. SAMUEL When the right hon. Gentleman has received suggestions, will he be willing to consider an amending Bill? Mr. GRAHAM I cannot pledge myself to that at the present time. All I can say is that every representation will be very carefully considered. Ag regards the future, I would rather not say anything.