Local Authorities (Members' Expenses) 35. Mr. Braine asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether he is aware that provision made under the Local Government Act, 1948, for payment of allowances to members of local authorities to meet financial loss, travelling and subsistence expenses is being abused; and in how many cases his attention has been drawn to such abuse by Government auditors. Mr. Dalton District auditors have made surcharges of about £370 in the accounts of 18 local authorities. Mr. Braine While in no way reflecting upon the vast body of those who claim these allowances, is there not some difference of opinion as to the regulations governing their payment, and does the Minister not think that those regulations should be tightened up? Mr. Dalton The fact is that it is a new system which has only just come into operation and it has taken a little while for the councillors concerned in all cases to become acquainted with the way in which their claims should be lodged. Many of these are perfectly innocent cases of error owing to that cause, and I hope that, as we become more accustomed to the new system, they will diminish.