Privatisation Receipts Mr. Dobson To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list for each year since 1979–80 the total Government receipts from privatisation, including debt repayment, indentifying the industry concerned in each case. Mr. Maude [holding answer 23 January 1992]: Privatisation proceeds from 1979–80 to 31 March 1991, including the repayment of debt, are shown in the following table by industry. --------------------------------- | | --------------------------------- |Royal Ordnance | --------------------------------- |Short Brothers | --------------------------------- |Water Holding Companies | --------------------------------- |Wytch Farm | --------------------------------- |Miscellaneous4 | --------------------------------- |Amersham International | --------------------------------- |Associated British Ports | --------------------------------- |BAA | --------------------------------- |British Aerospace | --------------------------------- |British Airways | --------------------------------- |British Gas | --------------------------------- |British Petroleum | --------------------------------- |British Steel | --------------------------------- |British Sugar | --------------------------------- |BT | --------------------------------- |Britoil | --------------------------------- |Cable and Wireless | --------------------------------- |Electricity (England and Wales)| --------------------------------- |TOTAL | ---------------------------------