Narrow Roads 32. Mr. Manuel asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take steps to debar vehicles from using narrow roads where the breadth of the vehicle, or its load, protrudes over the mid-road white line. Mr. Maclay No, Sir. I think that the matter is dealt with adequately by the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations which govern the width of vehicles and the loads they may carry; and by the powers available to highway authorities under the Road Traffic Act to make traffic regulation orders. Mr. Manuel Is the Secretary of State aware of the great increase in propaganda to get tourists to the Highlands during the summer months? Is he aware that there is a great danger on a narrow road with blind corners when vehicles which use it protrude over the centre white line? A motorist who feels that he is travelling perfectly safely on his own side of the road is liable suddenly to be confronted with a vehicle that cannot move over. The right hon. Gentleman already has Regulations governing the height and weight of the vehicles on these roads. Surely, he should take similar powers concerning width. Mr. Maclay I realise the danger which the hon. Member has pointed out, but the use of certain lengths of road of the kind he has in mind, in the North-West in particular, has by order been restricted to vehicles not exceeding 7 ft. 6 in. in width.