Local Authorities (Provision Of Facilities) Mr. D. E. Thomas asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) how many local authority social services departments have provided persons with lectures, games, outings or other recreational facilities outside the home or assistance in taking advantage of educational facilities in each year since 1971; and what was the total sum spent on each service;(2) how many local authority social services departments have provided persons with holidays, whether at holiday-------------------------------- | | | -------------------------------- | | | -------------------------------- | | |||| -------------------------------- |Holidays |…| -------------------------------- |Television (including radio)|…| -------------------------------- |Home adaptations and aids |…| -------------------------------- Notes: The 1974–75 returns covering these services have not yet all been received, but copies will be placed in the Library of the House as soon as available. The information sought in respect of library services, recreational and educational facilities and in assistance with travelling to and from home is not collected centrally. There were 157 social services authorities in England prior to local government reorganisation. homes or otherwise, in each year since 1971; and what was the total sum spent on each service; (3) how many local authority social services departments have provided persons with wireless, television, library or similar recreational facilities in each year since 1971; and what was the total sum spent on each service; (4) how many local authority social services departments have provided persons with assistance in arranging for the carrying out of any works of adaptation in their homes or the provision of any additional facilities designed to secure greater safety, comfort or convenience in each year since 1971; and what was the total sum spent on each service. (5) how many local authority social services departments have provided persons with assistance in travelling to and from home to participate in any services provided under Section 29 of the National Assistance Act 1948 in each year since 1971; and what was the total sum spent on each service. (6) how many local authority social services departments have provided persons with assistance in obtaining a telephone and any special equipment to enable use of a telephone in each year since 1971; and what was the total sum spent on each service. Dr. Owen Such information as is available is as follows, all figures quoted including the elderly, not substantially and permanently handicapped, under Section 45 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968, as well as the handicapped themselves: Mr. D. E. Thomas asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many local authority social services departments have provided persons with the provision of meals at home or elshewhere in each year since 1971; and what was the total sum spent on each service. Dr. Owen All 157 English local authority social service departments provided for meals at home or elsewhere in each of the years 1971–72 to 1973–74, as did all 108 social service departments in 1974–75.On the sums spent on each service, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for the Environment gave him on 10th June.—[Vol. 893, c. 122.]