Inland Revenue Stamp Office, Dundee Sir A. SPROT asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if his attention has been called to the threatened closing down of the Inland Revenue stamp office at Dundee; and, in view of the great inconvenience that will be caused through a large area of the East of Scotland if this is persisted in, will he have the matter reconsidered? Mr. YOUNG With the full approval of the Government, the Board of Inland Revenue have been recently engaged in a general review of all stamp offices in the country in the interests of economical administration. A number of stamp offices have already been closed and others are in process of extinction. The volume of work at Dundee has proved insufficient to occupy the full time of the marking officer in charge, and the discontinuance of the office will yield a saving in salaries and other expenses. Arrangements are being made for the sale of stamped forms at the local post office and for facilitating the transmission to Edinburgh of instruments which it is desired to stamp after execution. In view of these arrangements, it is anticipated that no substantial inconvenience will result from the change.