Sites Of Special Scientific Interest Mr. Matthew Taylor To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) when he will publish revised financial guidelines for the management agreements with owners and occupiers of sites of special scientific interest; [39242](2) when he will publish recommendations, advice and information to aid owners and occupiers of sites of special scientific interest in accordance with section 33 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. [39243] Mr. Clappison Work on revising these documents is continuing. They will be the subject of consultation with interested parties before being finalised and issued. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will review permitted development rights for temporary activities within or adjacent to sites of special scientific interest. [38525] Mr. Clappison Following a review in 1992, permitted development rights for certain recreational uses of sites of special scientific interest were withdrawn. The Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994 remove permitted development rights which would adversely affect the integrity of a Natura 2000 site which is also a site of special scientific interest. We have no plans for a further review. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what action he proposes to take to prevent Mickletownings site of special scientific interest from receiving sewage-created nutrient input. [38529] Mr. Clappison In 1991, following a series of accidental sewage overflows during storm conditions in the 1980s, English Nature initiated a 10-year monitoring programme agreed with British Coal Opencast and Leeds city council to monitor the physical and chemical nature of the pond waters within the site of special scientific interest. Evidence points to an improvement in water quality and no damage to the special interest. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has made and received on the impact of sea level rises on sites of special scientific interest in the Humber estuary. [38530] Mr. Clappison English Nature is working with the National Rivers Authority to address the concerns expressed and develop a comprehensive framework for the future management of the flood defences of the Humber. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what steps he will take to protect Skipwith Common site of special scientific interest from dredging and drainage operations. [38531] Mr. Clappison Routine maintenance, including dredging and drainage, does not adversely affect the scientific interest of this site. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what steps he will take to protect Bingley South Bog site of special scientific interest from damage arising from road construction. [38532] Mr. Clappison Appropriate mitigation measures will be taken to protect the scientific interest of this site. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what action he will take to protect (a) Broadhead Clough, (b) Dark Peak and (c) Haworth Moor site of special scientific interest from acid deposition. [38533] Mr. Clappison The southern Pennines, in which the three sites lie, has had a long legacy of air pollution from the effects of the industrial revolution in neighbouring Lancashire and Manchester. The special interest of the sites of special scientific interest is presently maintained but long-term sustainability can only be ensured through the UK's commitment to reducing sulphur emissions. UK emissions of sulphur dioxide have fallen by 45 per cent. since 1970. The Government are committed to making further cuts under the EC Large Combustion Plants Directive, which will substantially reduce the proportion of the UK surface area suffering from acid damage by the end of the century. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what steps he will take to protect the Leeds-Liverpool canal site of special scientific interest from development for a boat and caravan storage facility. [38534] Mr. Clappison Appropriate mitigation measures have been taken to protect the nature conservation interests of this site.