United States Forces, Southwest Pacific (Aid) 2. Sir Patrick Hannon asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he can make a statement on the reciprocal arrangements made between the United States of America, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Governments of Australia and New Zealand for the supply of food, fuel and war material to the United States forces operating in the South-west Pacific? The Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs (Mr. Attlee) The arrangements governing the provision of reciprocal aid to the Armed Forces of the United States by the Governments of the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand are contained in notes exchanged between Mr. Cordell Hull and the Commonwealth and New Zealand Ministers in Washington respectively. The arrangements adopted follow with small exceptions the provisions of the corresponding exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and United States which was published last autumn as Command Paper No. 6389. I am arranging for copies of the exchanges of notes to be placed in the Library of the House. Sir P. Hannon Would my right hon. Friend say whether the contributions made by the Governments of New Zea- land and Australia are very substantial and that the Lend-Lease arrangements are in our favour? Mr. Attlee Yes, Sir, they have been very substantial.