Riccall Hall, York 60. Mr. Odey asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the fact that Riccall Hall, York, has stood empty for several months in the care of three watchmen working on shifts to prevent squatters, he will take steps to derequisition this building, if it is no longer required by Government Departments, in order that it may be used to alleviate the housing problem in Riccall. The Under-Secretary of State for War (Mr. Michael Stewart) This property is now no longer required by the War Department and in accordance with normal procedure is being notified as redundant to the Ministry of Works. Any application by the local authorities for the use of this property for housing would be a matter for my right hon. Friend the Minister of Health in consultation with the Minister of Works. Mr. Odey Would the Minister bear in mind the intense irritation that is caused when premises of this kind are left unoccupied for some months, at a time of acute housing shortage? Mr. Stewart I should point out that this property was offered to the local authorities for housing purposes and was refused by them before it was requisitioned by the War Department.