Drug Detection Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much money HM Customs and Excise has been allocated in each of the last five years for the specific purpose of installing computer intelligence systems to detect drug trafficking. Sir John Cope The data are not available in the form requested. Over the past five years, money has been allocated to various computer projects in customs. A number of these include intelligence systems with a specific anti-smuggling function and so make a significant contribution to the detection of drug trafficking. Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he last met representatives of (a) the Civil and Public Services Association and (b) the National Union of Civil and Public Servants to discuss the role of customs officers in drug detection. Sir John Cope The role of customs officers in drug detection was last discussed by the Minister responsible for HM Customs and Excise and a joint representation of customs trade unions, which included representatives from the Civil and Public Services Association and the National Union of Civil and Public Servants, at a meeting on 4 March 1992. There has since been discussion by correspondence. Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what percentage of drugs seized within the United Kingdom and its waters in each year from 1988 came from or via other European Community countries. Sir John Cope The percentage by weight of drugs seized is shown in the table. The decline in the overall percentage for 1992 does not indicate a drop in quantities coming from or via the EC, but reflects a rise in quantities, particularly cannabis resin and cocaine, arriving direct from other countries.---------------------- | | ---------------------- |Amphetamine1 | ---------------------- |Cannabis herbal | ---------------------- |Cannabis resin | ---------------------- |Cocaine | ---------------------- |Diamorphine (heroin)| ---------------------- |Total via EC | ----------------------