Kalabari Tribe (Collective Fine) 69. Mr. J. Johnson asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies why a collective fine is being imposed on the Kalabari community in Eastern Nigeria in place of the punishment of individuals found guilty of murder and other offences. 82. Sir R. Acland asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will make a statement on the events leading up to the imposing of a collective fine of £20,000 on the Kalahari tribe; and whether the procedure leading up to the imposition of this fine was of a judicial nature in which evidence could be offered by anyone having relevant information to offer to a court. 83. Mr. Grimond asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will make a statement as to the circumstances which led the Governor of Nigeria to impose a collective fine of £20,000 on the Kalabari people. Mr. Cook My right hon. Friend has placed in the Library of the House a copy of the Report of the Inquiry held under the Collective Punishment Ordinance of Nigeria, together with a copy of the Governor's Order under the same Ordinance. The inquiry was a statutory one at which anyone who wished could give evidence, and the parties concerned were represented by counsel. The imposition of this fine is a matter quite separate from the criminal proceedings taken against individuals on a charge of murder.