Dumping Mr. Richard Wainwright asked the Secretary of State for Trade how many antidumping investigations were concluded by his Department during 1976; how many of these investigations were (a) closed and (b) rejected; and how many led to action under anti-dumping regulations. Mr. Meacher 23 formally announced investigations covering 11 product groups were concluded in 1976. Of these, 12 were closed after undertakings had been received that prices would be increased to an appropriate level. Five cases resulted in the imposition of duties. In three cases it was established that either the goods in question were not being dumped or that there was no material injury to the applicant industry. Three cases were withdrawn at the request of the applicants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Stainless steel bars|…|…|…|Spain|…|…|20th May 1977 (replacing provisional charges of 25th October 1976 and 25th January 1977).| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- |Date of Action | -------------------------- |Steel reinforcing bars |…|…|…|South Africa|…|24th December 1976| -------------------------- |Non-alloy steel sections|…|…|…|Spain|…|1st April 1977| -------------------------- |Non-alloy steel sections|…|…|…|Japan|…|7th April 1977| -------------------------- |Non-alloy steel flats |…|…|…|Japan|…|19th May 1977| -------------------------- ------------------------- |Date of Action | ------------------------- |Stainless steel billets|Spain|20th May 1977| ------------------------- |Steel reinforcing bars |Spain|(Revised) April 1977| -------------------------