Commitments 50. Captain MARGESSON asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can give a statement of the additional commitments entered into by His Majesty's Government since 1st June up to 31st December, 1929; and the estimated cost for the current and forthcoming financial years? Mr. P. SNOWDEN I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the statement given in reply to his question of the 19th November, and to the White Paper (Command Paper 3449) showing schemes approved for grant under the Development Acts and from the Road Fund. Additions have now to be made to that statement involving estimated expenditure from the Exchequer of £300,000 in 1929 and £2,000,000 in 1930. I will circulate details of these additions in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Following are the details: disclosing information as to the liability to tax of particular taxpayers. The hon. and gallant Member may be assured that the organisations to which he alludes will be dealt with in conformity with the law.