Housing Executive Mr. William Ross asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in each of the last three years and the present year, or in the relevant financial year if the information is more conveniently obtained, how many permanent staff were employed by the Housing Executive; what was the average salary; how many houses were built in each of those years; and what was the cost of staff salaries per house. Mr. David Mitchell This is a matter for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, but the chairman has provided the following information: ---------- |Year | ---------- |1978–79 | ---------- |1979–80 | ---------- |1980–81 | ---------- |1981–82*| ---------- Ireland for each of the months of September, October, November and December in each of the years 1974 to 1981. Mr. Adam Butler Estimates of prices paid for suckled calves in the principal markets in Northern Ireland for the months of September, November and December in each of the years 1974 to 1981 are given in both actual and constant sums. Notes: * to 31 December 1981. † estimated. Information on the salary costs directly attributable to new houses built is not available and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.