Trent Region (Expenditure) Mr. Lawson asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish a table showing, for 1976–77 and each of the three previous financial years (a) actual or estimated hospital expenditure per resident head of population in the Trent Region, expressed as a percentage of the national average figure and (b) actual or estimated health service net revenue expenditure per head of manager population in the Trent Region, expressed as a percentage of the national average figure. Mr. Moyle The information requested is as follows: --------------------- | | --------------------- |1976–77 (estimated)| --------------------- |1975–76 | --------------------- |1974–75 | --------------------- The Trent Region does not cover the same area as that of the former Sheffield Regional Hospital Board in 1973–74, and comparable figures for that year are not available.Health service revenue expenditure for 1976–77 has been based on the latest cash limits for hospital and community health services notified to health authorities plus the latest estimates for the family practitioner services. Expenditure on hospital services for the year has been estimated from the corresponding expenditure in 1975–76. Comparisons of expenditure per head of population for regions do not fully reflect such factors as the structure of the population by age, sex and other considerations which affect needs for health services; the movement of patients between regions for treatment, and the incidence of provision of clinical facilities for the training of medical and dental students.