Voluntary Organisations 34. Mr. Budgen asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is his policy towards the support of voluntary social service organisations. 37. Mr. Richard Wainwright asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he is satisfied that the fullest possible use is being made of voluntary effort in the provision of social services. Mr. Moyle Certain voluntary organisations provide services additonal, or complementary, to those provided by local social services authorities. Those services are an essential element in the total provision of social services and I am anxious to encourage their development. The extent to which local authorities use or support the services of voluntary organisations is a matter for them to decide and they have powers under the Health Service and Public Health Act 1968 to give financial support to local projects. Most authorities have appointed an officer with the specific task of co-ordinating voluntary work and some have set up or support, volunteer bureaux.The Consultative Document on Priorities for Health and Personal Social Services, issued last year, drew attention to the need for statutory and voluntary services to work closely together and to the importance of the rĂ´le of voluntary organisations in engaging the help of a wider range of community service.My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Services has power under the 1968 Act to give financial support towards the headquarters costs of national organisations and we are considering how this support could be better deployed. 48. Sir W. Elliott asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what steps he is taking to maintain the purchasing power of grants he makes to voluntary work organisations. Mr. Moyle I am always prepared to look sympathetically at the financial position of organisations in receipt of grants, and to try, so far as possible, to enable them to maintain their activities.