Business Of The House Mr. RUNCIMAN Can the right hon. Gentleman the Leader of the House state the business for next week? Mr. BONAR LAW On Monday, Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill—Third Reading. Tuesday, Motion for Adjournment, in order to discuss Irish recruiting. Wednesday, Scotch Education Bill—Second Reading. If time permit on any of the above three days, Juries Bill, Workmen's Compensation (Silicosis) Bill, Maternity and Child Welfare Bill. Thursday, Supply. The particular Vote will be mentioned on Monday. Mr. LOUGH I ask whether the discussion on Tuesday will be confined to recruiting, or will it include the general Irish policy of the Government? Mr. BONAR LAW I cannot answer that question. The Motion for the Adjournment would, of course, allow a considerable degree of latitude, but that is a subject which I cannot regulate. Mr. PRINGLE Will the right hon. Gentleman be able to make an announcement about the introduction of the Home Rule Bill on Tuesday? Mr. BONAR LAW I do not anticipate it. Mr. R. McNEILL May I ask whether the Naturalisation Bill will have to await the return of the Home Secretary or whether the Government intend to proceed with it before that measure? Mr. BONAR LAW The probability is that it will be an advantage, from the point of view of getting it done, that it should wait for the return of the head of the Department, which I hope will not be very long delayed. Mr. JOYNSON-HICKS May I ask whether the Prime Minister has taken the question of aliens into consideration, in accordance with what has appeared in the Press? Mr. BONAR LAW I do not know to what the hon. Member refers. Mr. JOYNSON-HICKS Has the right hon. Gentleman not seen a notice that the Prime Minister is taking into consideration the whole question of the dealings of the various Departments with aliens? Mr. BONAR LAW I was not aware that such a notice is being issued, but I am sure that my right hon. Friend is interested in this question. Ordered, That the Proceedings on the Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill have precedence this day of the Business of Supply.—[ Mr. Bonar Law.] Resolved, That this House do sit To-morrow.—[ Mr. Bonar Law.]