Economy Leaflets 3. Lieut.-Commander Braithwaite asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what is the estimated cost of the leaflets which he proposes to issue and which will urge upon consumers the importance of economy in the use of electrical apparatus. Mr. Robens My right hon. Friend does not propose to issue any leaflets. Lieut.-Commander Braithwaite Is the hon. Gentleman aware that when his right hon. Friend broadcast to the nation on 6th January he told us he was issuing these leaflets? Has he had second thoughts on the matter now? Mr. Robens No, Sir. I understand that various industries are issuing leaflets and we at the Ministry do not want to duplicate what they are doing. Mr. Henry Strauss Does the hon. Gentleman recollect that as lately as 20th November his right hon. Friend said that except at peak hours he desired to increase the consumption of electricity? Can he say when his right hon. Friend changed his mind? Mr. Robens My right hon. Friend was influenced by the fact that at that date the problem in the electricity supply industry was generating capacity. At the end of the year it turned into a problem of saving coal.