Workers (Statistics) Mr. CLUSE asked the Postmaster-General the maximum and minimum numbers of workers temporarily employed in the postal service during the year ending 31st December, 1929, and also the number of temporary men who were placed upon the establishment during the same period; the number of temporary workers engaged during the Christmas pressure; the number of hours of overtime worked by the established staff during Christmas and the new year; and the average number of hours per individual employed on overtime? Mr. LEES-SMITH The number of fulltime temporary male workers (exclusive of the temporary Christmas staff) ranged between 2,900 and 1,900 during the year 1929. There is no provision for advancing purely temporary employés to the establishment, and while in some instances service in a temporary capacity is given before appointment to the establishment, there is no record of the actual number of such cases. Statistics are not available as regards the total number of temporary workers employed during the Christmas period, nor as regards the number of hours of overtime worked. Approximately 9,500 men were engaged in London.