Grammar School, Eye (Future) Mr. Granville asked the Minister of Education if he is aware of the growing dissatisfaction among parents, scholars and residents over a large area at the suggested change in the status of Eye, Suffolk, Grammar School, to a bilateral school or merging with Diss in the County of Norfolk; and if he will suspend future plans until a full and comprehensive inquiry has been held into local requirements and the opinions of the many educational bodies and organisations affected ascertained. Mr. Tomlinson I am aware that there is opposition to the proposals which have been made as to the future of the Grammar School at Eye under the East Suffolk Development Plan. The matter is still under consideration and I shall have regard to all the circumstances before the plan is approved. The plan is, however, a long-term one, and public notice would have to be given in due course of any proposal to close the school or to amalgamate it with another school. Further opportunity would thus be given for any objections to be fully considered in the light of the circumstances then existing.