Theatrical Manager, Dublin 12. Mr. BYRNE asked the Undersecretary of State for War where Matt C. Byrne, who was conscripted in Alton on 23rd November, is now stationed; if he is aware that this man was manager of the Coliseum Theatre, Dublin, until it was destroyed during the rising in Ireland, and that, pending its rebuilding, he travelled to Great Britain for employment, which was of a temporary nature and if, having regard to the causes of his unemployment and that he was not ordinarily resident in Great Britain, he will now order his discharge? Mr. MACPHERSON Matt C. Byrne was posted to the Army Service Corps, Mechanical Transport Depot, Sydenham, on the 18th March last. As regards the second part of the question, I am informed that Byrne's case was fully investigated by a Civil Court, which decided that he was liable for service under the Military Service Acts, and that this decision was upheld on appeal. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative. Mr. BYRNE Can the hon. Gentleman say where Mr. Byrne is now? Mr. MACPHERSON I cannot say. If the hon. Gentleman will put down a question, I will inquire.