Television Companies (Commitments) Mr. Peter Bottomley To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if he will give a summary of the commitments made by successful television company bidders, including regional programming and programme origination. Mr. Brooke Each Channel 3 licence contains a summary of the commitments made. Copies are available from the Independent Television Commission. Mr. Peter Bottomley To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage how the Independent Television Commission may vary or accept variations in commitments by or requirements of regional television companies; and how often he receives reports from the ITC. Mr. Brooke Section 33 of the Broadcasting Act 1990 makes provision for the Independent Television Commission to vary licence conditions. The procedures were described in the invitation to apply for the relevant licences and are in the issued licence. The ITC's annual reports must include reports on the extent to which ITV licensees have failed to comply with their licence conditions. The ITC also publishes a programme complaints and interventions report quarterly, and a television advertising complaints report monthly.