Syrup 2. Mr. Dodds asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that the present allocation of sugar to manufacturers only allows for the production of one 2-lb. tin of golden syrup or treacle per head of the population every seven months; and, in view of the demand for this food, if he will state when the 10 per cent. cut in sugar to manufacturers, made in January, 1950, is likely to be restored. Mr. F. Willey The production of golden syrup and treacle is nearly twice what it was in 1939. When the domestic ration was put up last January we should have liked to restore the small cut made in 1950, but we thought that housewives would rather have the sugar. Mr. Dodds Is my hon. Friend aware that at this time of rising prices, 1-lb. of strawberry jam costs the same as 2-lb. of syrup? Is this not a good reason why the allocation should be increased as soon as possible?