Moving Of Male And Female Prisoners MR. J. RAMSAY MACDONALD To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether it is customary for male and female prisoners to be moved together to and from prisons, which some times involves long railway journeys; and, if so, whether he will consider the desirability of making arrangements by which this practice may no longer be carried on. (Answered by Mr. Secretary Gladstone.) Male and female prisoners are never removed together between one prison and another by the prison authorities; but it is, doubtless, the fact that when the police bring remand prisoners and prisoners committed for trial to prison, and take remand prisoners from prison to court, prisoners of both sexes some times travel together. It is not easy to see how this is to be avoided in country districts, where the number of police available is small and the prisons are far from some of the committing courts. The matter is one for the local police authorities, who have to deal with it as best they can. I agree with the hon. Member in thinking that it should be avoided as far as possible.