Cinematogeaph Films (Censorship) 23. Mr. DAY asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the inability of the present Board of British Film Censors to enforce any decisions that may be arrived at by them with reference to the exhibition of British talking films made from stage plays, he will consider the introduction of legislation which will have as its object some uniformity in control of stage and film censorship? Mr. CLYNES I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave on the 13th instant to questions by my hon. Friends the Members for Peterborough (Mr. Horrabin) and the East Division of Middlesbrough (Miss Wilkinson). Mr. DAY Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that since that time certain films have been prohibited in different parts of the Empire, although they are taken from stage plays? Mr. CLYNES That may be so, but no representations have been made to me as to the precise kind of action that the aggrieved persons wish to be taken. 30. Mr. HORRABIN asked the Home Secretary if he will consider the setting up of a national authority having power, in the case of films banned by the trade censorship for general exhibition, to grant licences for such films to be shown at private exhibitions or under specified conditions? Mr. CLYNES No, Sir; I am not prepared to interfere with the jurisdiction which is at present vested in the local authorities in this matter. Mr. HORRABIN Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that according to recent reports some local authorities, at least, do not consider themselves as best fitted to exercise this censorship, and that an extension of the facilities of the private societies would very materially assist those who are anxious to raise the general level of production? Mr. CLYNES I think the statements in that supplementary question are correct, but no representations of a representative or authoritative character have reached me for a long time. Mr. HARRIS Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the appointment of a Select Committee to go into the whole working of the censorship? HON. MEMBERS Another Committee! Mr. CLYNES I have already said that the aggrieved parties in this matter have made no definite suggestions or representations as to what it is they wish inquired into. Mr. FENNER BROCKWAY Will the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to receive a deputation representative of the various parts of this House on this matter? Mr. CLYNES I am quite prepared to discuss the matter with hon. Members, but I would prefer that they should speak with some authority for the aggrieved parties.