Life-Saving Apparatus 26. Mr. KELLY asked the President of the Board of Trade what report has been made by the deputy chief inspector of lifeboats as to the use of the Schermulz pistol-rocket apparatus; whether further experiment is being made as to any advantages the Schermulz pistol possesses for the firing of a stronger rope-line for the saving of life at sea? Mr. W. GRAHAM The deputy chief inspector of lifeboats is an officer not of the Board of Trade, but of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, and I cannot say what report he may have made to the Institution on the subject of line-throwing appliances, or what experiments are being made by the Institution on this subject. In pursuance of the Rules made under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping (Line-Throwing Appliance) Act, 1928, the Board of Trade have tested and approved the Schermulz and other line-throwing apparatus for use in sea-going ships, but it would be improper for me to express opinions as to the comparative merits of particular devices.