International Labour Office (Consultative Committee) 3. Commander King-Hall asked the Minister of Labour whether he has any information as to why the consultative committee of economists and statesmen to deal with reconstruction, which it was decided to set up as a result of the International Labour Conference in New York, in October, 1941, has not yet been formed? Mr. Bevin I assume that my hon. and gallant Friend refers to the decision of the Emergency Committee of the Governing Body in April last, to set up an Advisory Committee on the Economic Conditions of Post-War Reconstruction. It was agreed that the International Labour Office, in consultation with the Chairman of the Governing Body, should enter into the necessary consultations for the nomination of members of this Committee and should submit names to the Governing Body in due course. I have no detailed information with regard to the progress of these consultations, which, as I have stated, are in the hands of the International Labour Office and the Chairman of the Governing Body, but I hope shortly to have an opportunity of discussing the matter with the Acting-Director of the Office, who proposes, I understand, to visit this country in the near future.