Disabled War Pensioners (Motor-Chairs) 3. Mr. Oldfield asked the Minister of Pensions if he is now in a position to make a statement regarding provision of wheel chairs with motors for legless and other badly-disabled war pensioners; and whether the motor-chairs are to be supplied at State cost without contributions from the pensioners or charitable organisations, The Minister of Pensions (Mr. Wilfred Paling) I am glad to say that it has been decided that all pensioners who have suffered double leg amputations, of which at least one is above the knee, will be eligible for the supply and repair of a motor-propelled invalid tricycle at State expense. Machines will also be supplied to other badly-disabled war pensioners who require them in order to obtain or keep employment. Supply must necessarily be conditional on certification by my medical officers that the pensioner can safely be allowed to use a motor. Tests of a new motor unit capable of being incorporated in present hand-propelled machines have now been completed, and the question of production in sufficient quantity to meet the increased demand is being pursued.