Unrra State Contributions (Arrears) 6. Captain Gammans asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will issue a statement showing the contributions due to U.N.R.R.A. by each country and the names of those countries who are wholly or partially in arrears with their contributions. The Minister of State (Mr. Noel-Baker) I have been asked to reply. A statement showing the amounts contributed to U.N.R.R.A. by the various member States was issued by the Administration in August last. The statement shows the contributions made both to the operating and to the administrative expenses of the organisation. I have done my best to bring this statement up to date, and I will send my hon. and gallant Friend a copy of the result. Captain Gammans Could the right hon. Gentleman say which countries are at this moment in arrear with their payments? Mr. Noel-Baker I thing the hon. and gallant Gentleman had better look at the statement. He can then put down other Questions if he feels inclined. Food Supplies (Distribution) 15. Lieut.-Colonel J. R. H. Hutchison asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that much of the food supplies sent by this country through U.N.R.R.A. is finding its way in Balkan countries, especially in Yugoslavia, into the hands of the military forces in those countries instead of to the civilian population; that it is popularly supposed to be coming from Russian sources; and what steps U.N.R.R.A. is taking to ensure that supplies reach the persons for whom they are intended. Mr. Noel-Baker I have been asked to reply. I have consulted the European Director of U.N.R.R.A. and I understand that it is the Administration's policy to ensure that their supplies are made available to civilians only, and that they are justly distributed. To this end, the Administration appoints observers to supervise distribution, and to assist the local Government. It also appoints other special officers to inform the public about its work, and about the sources of its supplies. It has occasionally been alleged that the principle of equitable distribution has not been observed. Such complaints are always investigated by the Administration acting in co-operation with the Government concerned; hitherto, most of them have proved to be unfounded. The Administration has already received the report to which my hon. and gallant Friend refers, and an investigation is now going on. Lieut.-Colonel Hutchison Does this not emphasise the desirability of having representatives of a free Press, as in countries like our own and the United States, present to be able to substantiate or deny these allegations? Mr. Noel-Baker I think they can only be substantiated or denied by responsible U.N.R.R.A. officials inquiring into the matter. They have full facilities for making inquiries, and I think the hon. Member may trust the results they obtain. Earl Winterton Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether in all the countries where these U.N.R.R.A. supplies are being distributed, U.N.R.R.A. is properly represented, that is to say if its representatives have the fullest right of investigation without interference by the local Government? Mr. Noel-Baker Yes, Sir, I can give that assurance without qualification. Foreign Service (Entrance) 7. Mr. Gallacher asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if, in view of the changed situation in many European countries, he will consider bringing the Foreign Office and Diplomatic Corps into line with the new developments by inviting representative workers to take up diplomatic and Foreign Office posts. Mr. McNeil Except for a few temporary appointments entrance to His Majesty's Foreign Service is by open competitive examination according to the regulations made and published by the Civil Service Commissioners. Mr. Gallacher Is not the Minister of the opinion that it is necessary to bring the Foreign Office and the Diplomatic Corps into line with the new political thought that is spreading throughout the world, and that in view of the letter read by Mr. Speaker last week it would be highly desirable to send out a working class Socialist as Ambassador to Peru?