Cement Trade (Fair-Wages Clause) 33. Mr. WILLIAM THORNE asked the Secretary of State for War whether the British Portland Cement Manufacturers and the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers have any contract with the War Office; if so, whether he is aware that the wages paid to labourers by these firms in the cement trade on the Thames and Medway are from 1½d. to 2½d. less than the wages current in the district, that they pay no recognised rate for overtime or Sunday work, and employ a good deal of cheap boy labour in the machine shops; and whether he will make inquiry into the matter in order to secure strict observance of the Fair-Wages Clause? Mr. H. BAKER The second company mentioned holds a War Office contract. If the hon. Member will be good enough to furnish me with details as to the particular class of workpeople in question and the rates claimed as recog- nised or prevailing for such employment, including payments for overtime and Sunday work, I shall be happy to have inquiries made. Mr. ROWLANDS Do any of the Government contracts necessitate the excessive amount of Sunday labour now done on the Thames and the Medway? Mr. H. BAKER I could not answer that without notice.