Government Employes (Ireland) 11. Mr. BYRNE asked the Undersecretary of State for War if he will see that all Government employés in Ireland shall receive the same privileges, holidays, pay, and bonus as are given to Government employés in Great Britain performing similar work? Mr. FORSTER As regards holidays, those employés who serve under the same Regulations are entitled to the same public holidays and annual leave whether serving in Ireland or England. As regards pay and bonus, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave him on the 21st February last, in which I explained that the policy of the War Office is to pay its employés, both in Ireland and Great Britain, in accordance with the Fair Wages Resolution. Mr. BYRNE Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in Government offices in Ireland there are a number of employés who come under the head of unestablished employés, temporary clerks, and temporary hands generally, who have not received the benefits of any of the war bonuses of his office? Mr. FORSTER As the hon. Gentleman knows quite well, he has only to call attention to cases in which employés are not being treated in accordance with my undertaking, and I always have the matter most carefully inquired into. Mr. FLAVIN Has the right hon. Gentleman taken into consideration that the cost of food in Ireland is as much as in this country, and the cost of coal 50 per cent. more than in any other part of the United Kingdom? Mr. FORSTER All relevant considerations are taken into account.