County Structure Plans Mr. Wigley To ask the Secretry of State for Wales on what dates structure plans have been submitted by each of the eight Welsh counties since they came into existence, indicating which of these have been (a) accepted by the Welsh Office without amendment, (b) accepted subject to specific amendments and (c) rejected. Mr. David Hunt The information requested is set out in the table. All structure plans and alterations approved by the Secretary of State have been the subject of modifications prior to approval. No submitted structure plan has been rejected. --------------------------------------- |Clwyd | --------------------------------------- |Clwyd Alterations No.1 | --------------------------------------- |Dyfed | --------------------------------------- |Dyfed Alterations No. 1 | --------------------------------------- |Gwent | --------------------------------------- |Gwent Alterations No. 1 | --------------------------------------- |Gwent Alterations No. 2: Shopping | --------------------------------------- |Gwynedd (Separate Plans for Anglesey,| --------------------------------------- |Caernarvonshire, | --------------------------------------- |Meirionydd and Dyffryn Conwy) | --------------------------------------- |Gwynedd Replacement | --------------------------------------- |Mid Glamorgan | --------------------------------------- |Mid Glamorgan Alterations No. 1 | --------------------------------------- |Powys | --------------------------------------- |Powys Alterations No. 1 | --------------------------------------- |South Glamorgan | --------------------------------------- |South Glamorgan Alterations No. 1 | --------------------------------------- |West Glamorgan | --------------------------------------- |West Glamorgan Alterations No. 1 | --------------------------------------- |Gwent Replacement 1 | --------------------------------------- Mr. Wigley To ask the Secretary of State for Wales in what circumstances he holds any form of public inquiry prior to making changes to a draft structure plan submitted to him by a county in Wales. Mr. David Hunt As a result of the Planning and Compensation Act 1991, county councils are required, unless the Secretary of State decides otherwise, to hold examinations in public on selected matters arising from structure plans, to provide additional information to help them come to a decision. Previously, when necessary, examinations in public were held on structure plans submitted to the Secretary of State to provide him with additional information necessary for the consideration and approval of the plan. . Mr. Wigley To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether county councils in Wales, submitting structure plans for ratification by the Welsh Office, must draw these up in line with uniform national criteria. Mr. David Hunt Structure plans prepared under the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 are approved normally by the county council concerned. However, there are requirements to consult the Secretary of State who has powers to direct that a plan be referred to him for approval.The form and content of structure plans is set out in regulations. In formulating the general policies in structure plans county councils are required to have regard to any regional or strategic planning guidance given by the Secretary of State to assist them in preparation of the plan, and current national policies. Mr. Wigley To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consideration his Department gives to the varying social and cultural patterns in Wales when reviewing structure plans for the counties of Wales. Mr. David Hunt Regulations require planning authorities to have regard to social considerations in preparing their general policies and proposals in structure plans. Where appropriate the needs and interests of the Welsh language will be among those considerations. In considering structure plans before him for comment or approval, the Secretary of State takes account of these social considerations.