Prayers [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] Royal Assent Mr. Speaker I have to notify the House, in accordance with the Royal Assent Act 1967, that the Queen has signified her Royal Assent for the following Acts and Measure: St. George's Hill, Weybridge, Estate Act 1990New Southgate Cemetery and Crematorium Ltd. Act 1990Hythe Marina Village (Southampton) Wavescreen Act 1990Isle of Wight Act 1990Buckinghamshire County Council Act 1990United Medical and Dental Schools Act 1990London Local Authorities Act 1990Penzance Albert Pier Extension Act 1990City of London (Spitalfields Market) Act 1990Clergy (Ordination) Measure 1990 Private Business Redbridge London Borough Council Bill (By Order) Order for further consideration, as amended, read. To be considered on Tuesday 27 February at Seven o'clock. Vale Of Glamorgan (Barry Harbour) Bill Lords (By Order) Order for Second Reading read. To be read a Second time on Thursday 1 March. Adelphi Estate Bill(By Order) Order for Second Reading read. To be read a Second time on Tuesday 27 February at Seven o'clock. Mr. Speaker As the next 11 Bills set down for Second Reading have blocking motions, I propose to deal with them as a single group. EXMOUTH DOCKS BILL (By Order) HYTHE, KENT, MARINA BILL (By Order) LONDON DOCKLANDS RAILWAY BILL (By Order) LONDON UNDERGROUND (VICTORIA) BILL (By Order) PENZANCE SOUTH PIER EXTENSION BILL (By Order) SHARD BRIDGE BILL (By Order) TEES AND HARTLEPOOL PORT AUTHORITY BILL (By Order) VENTNOR HARBOUR BILL (By Order) LONDON REGIONAL TRANSPORT (PENALTY FARES) BILL (By Order) LONDON UNDERGROUND BILL (By Order) MIDLAND METRO BILL (By Order) Orders for Second Reading read. To be read a Second time on Thursday 1 March. SOUTH YORKSHIRE LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT (No. 2) BILL (By Order) Order for Second Reading read. To be read a Second time on Monday 26 February. CATTEWATER RECLAMATION BILL (By Order) HUMBERSIDE COUNTY COUNCIL BILL (By Order) Orders for Second Reading read. To be read a Second time on Thursday 1 March.