New Roads (Adjacent Land) 81. Mr. EDE asked the Minister of Transport the number of cases in which he has used the powers he possesses to buy land 220 yards on either side of roads being constructed; the acreage of land so acquired; the acreage sold since acquisition; the cost of the land so acquired; and the amounts received by the sale of lands? Mr. HERBERT MORRISON In the few cases in the past where the Minister has himself constructed a road and these powers might have been exercised, it was not considered advisable, after full consideration of the individual circumstances, to put them into force. At a few points, additional land has been acquired, primarily to avoid heavy claims for severance. Colonel ASHLEY Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in every case except one, in which the Government valuer gave advice, he advised that to invest in this land would not be profitable from the Government's point of view? Mr. MORRISON I have not thought it a desirable practice to inform the House of the Government adviser's advice. The Minister must accept responsibility for the decisions which he takes. Colonel ASHLEY In view of the declared intention of the Chancellor of the Exchequer in reference to the taxation of land, would it not be better that the House should know exactly what the official view is? Mr. MORRISON Whatever decision the Government may come to in that matter, the Government will take responsibility. We shall not refer the matter to a referendum. Colonel ASHLEY rose— Mr. SPEAKER We are getting into a discussion which is far outside the question on the Paper.