Written Statements Written Ministerial Statements Tuesday 4 March 2003 Deputy Prime Minister Town And Country Planning (Use Classes Order) The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Tony McNulty) In January 2002, the Government issued a consultation document on possible changes to the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order. Responses were to be received by 24 April 2002. We received over 2000 responses, which the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister has since been considering.During the course of the Parliamentary debates that have taken place on the Licensing Bill, attention has been drawn to an issue on which we received many representations as part of the Use Classes review. There is widespread concern that the inclusion of pubs and bars with other uses such as restaurants and cafes in the A3 class is contributing to the increase in the number of licensed premises in some areas and that such changes in use do not require planning permission. I have considered these representations carefully and I am announcing today that it is our intention to change the Use Classes Order so as to put pubs and bars into a separate class. The effect of this change will be to require any proposal to change use of an existing building into a pub or bar to apply for planning permission.I expect to make a full statement on the outcome of our consultation on proposals for changes to the Use Classes Order shortly. Tall Buildings The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Tony McNulty) This statement is to bring to the attention of the House the guidance note on tall buildings prepared jointly by English Heritage and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), published today.The Government expect new development to be well-designed, safe and sustainable, whether it comprises a tall building or low-rise. It considers that all buildings should be designed with regard to their likely impact on their immediate surroundings and the wider environment. The policy is set out in PPG1 General Policy and Principles, and is supported by good practice guidance, By Design. In its response to last year's Select Committee inquiry on tall buildings, the Government encouraged English Heritage and CABE to finalise their draft guidance note Guidance on tall buildings, taking full account of the Committee's recommendations. The Government consider that such a note, in support of Government policy and existing good practice advice, will contribute to sound planning decisions on tall buildings.The Government therefore welcome the publication of the joint guidance note. The Government consider that the good practice advice provided will be of value to local planning authorities in drawing up their planning policies for tall buildings, and capable of being material to the determination of planning applications.I will place a copy of the document in the Library of the House of Commons shortly. Defence Reservists The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Dr. Lewis Moonie) A new call-out order has been made under section 56 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 so that reservists may continue to be called out to support operations in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This order will take effect from 1 March 2003, the date the previous order expired. There are no plans to call reservists up compulsorily under this order, as it is expected that the small numbers needed will be met through volunteers for service in those countries.