Capital Punishment Ordered, "That a Select Committee be appointed to consider the question of Capital Punishment in cases tried by civil courts in time of peace and to report whether another penalty, and, if so, of what nature, should be substituted for the sentence of death in such cases where that sentence is now prescribed by law:" Mr. Ayles, Mr. Barr, Dr. Bentham, Mr. Culverwell, Mr. Lovat-Fraser, Dr. Hunter, Mr. Thomas Lewis, Mr. Marjoribanks, Major Milner, Mr. Philip Oliver, Sir John Power, Mr. Ramsbotham, Sir Gervais Rentoul, Major Ross, and Mr. Toole nominated Members of the Committee. Ordered, "That the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Capital Punishment of last Session, together with the Appendices, be referred to the Committee, and be printed." Ordered, "That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records:" Ordered, "That Five be the quorum of the Committee." — [ Mr. Charles Edwards.]