Planning Estimates Mr. Higgins To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a table which provides an analysis by economic category of the 1991–92 estimated outturn for the planning total as announced in the 1991 autumn statement, on definitions consistent with those of table 3.6 of Cm. 1520. Mr. Norman Lamont Data for the autumn statement forecast of outturn in the current year are collected for each Department, by spending sector and in total. No economic category analysis of spending by Departments is collected at this time of the year. It is possible, however, to provide an approximate analysis by economic category of forecast outturn in 1991–92 on the definitions used in table 3.6 of Cm. 1520, taking broad account of the nature of spending by individual Departments. This is set out in the following table. An economic category analysis of forecast outturn for 1991–92 based on Departments' assessments of the economic category composition of their spending will be provided in the supplement to the 1991 autumn statement to be published around the end of January 1992. ------------------------------------------- |Current expenditure on goods and services| ------------------------------------------- |Subsidies | ------------------------------------------- |Current grants to persons1 | ------------------------------------------- |Current grants abroad1 | ------------------------------------------- |Current grants to local authorities | ------------------------------------------- |Distribution of non-domestic rate revenue| ------------------------------------------- |Net capital expenditure on assets | ------------------------------------------- |Capital grants to local authorities | ------------------------------------------- |Other capital grants | ------------------------------------------- |Credit approvals | ------------------------------------------- |Lending and other financial transactions | ------------------------------------------- |Privatisation proceeds | ------------------------------------------- |Adjustment | ------------------------------------------- |Planning total | -------------------------------------------